Lonnie Dupre Day 2

We just received a call via satellite phone from Lonnie. His spirits remain high as he progresses up the Kahiltna Glacier. He encountered crevasses, but his skis worked well spanning them and/or maneuvered around them. Lonnie said outside of sore feet from traveling...
Lonnie Dupre Day 1

Lonnie Dupre Day 1

Denali, aka Mount McKinley, in Alaska, is North America’s highest mountain at 20,320 feet.   Only nine expeditions totaling 16 people have ever reached the summit of Denali in winter. Six deaths resulted from those climbs. Only one team (comprised of three...
Lonnie meets his pilot

Lonnie meets his pilot

Talkeetna Air Taxi is the charter company flying us to the base of Denali on the Kahiltna glacier when the weather permits. Today we met with our captain Danielle and her two co-pilots Rivet & Rudder(dogs). We spent the day weighing gear, sorting fuel, working on...
Dog Gonnit!

Dog Gonnit!

A stray dog stole one of my shoes and a tall chilena stole my pants. At this rate I’ll be naked by Christmas. This is my story.Since we spend all our non-hiking time in flip flops, I didn’t notice my shoe went missing from under the side of our tent until...