Adventure Scientists Science Advisory Board

Dr. Enric Sala

Dr. Enric Sala is a National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence actively engaged in exploration, research, and communications to advance ocean policy and conservation. His more than 100 scientific publications are used for real-world conservation efforts such as the creation of marine reserves.

Dr. Lauren Oakes

Dr. Lauren E. Oakes is a conservation scientist with the Wildlife Conservation Society, and an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth System Science at Stanford University. Her research, teaching, and communications work all focus on impacts to forest ecosystems and how people adapt to environmental changes. Her first book, In Search of the Canary Tree, about lessons from her research in remote Alaska, was published in 2018.

Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy

​Thomas Lovejoy is an innovative and accomplished conservation biologist who coined the term “biological diversity”. He serves as Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation. At the core of his many influential positions are Lovejoy’s seminal ideas, which have formed and strengthened the field of conservation biology.

Dr. Tim McDermott

​Dr. Tim McDermott is a microbial ecophysiologist at Montana State University, where he teaches Soil & Environmental Microbiology. He is an international authority on microbe-arsenic interactions, conducting grant-supported research in environments ranging from the human gastrointestinal track to Yellowstone Hot Springs. His other research focuses on microbial contributions to methane cycling in Yellowstone Lake.